OHR - Open House Roma
OHR stands for Open House Roma
Here you will find, what does OHR stand for in Firm under Business category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Open House Roma? Open House Roma can be abbreviated as OHR What does OHR stand for? OHR stands for Open House Roma. What does Open House Roma mean?The architecture & planning business firm is located in Rome, Lazio, Italy.
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Alternative definitions of OHR
- Office of Human Resources
- Office of Human Resources
- Office of Human Resources
- Office of the High Representative
- Official Hamster Republic
- Oak Hills Research
- Ozark Heritage Region
- Wyk Auf Foehr, Germany
View 28 other definitions of OHR on the main acronym page
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- OEFT Open Eye Figure Theatre
- OTA Oxford Technologies Australia
- OWFY Off the Wall Frozen Yogurt
- OWS Oaktree Wealth Strategies
- OTL Online Trading Limited
- OP The Online Psychologist
- OBD Oregon Board of Dentistry
- OPF Old Port Films
- OGD Oxford Garden Design
- OBSI Orange Business Solutions Inc.
- OLBS On-Line Bookkeeping Solutions
- OSS Online Student Service
- OCTG One Click Technology Group
- OSS Open Studio Stockholm
- OLF One Love Festival